


Pont3 Events

Pont3, the event organisers behind Australia’s largest running event – The Sydney Marathon, have teamed up with Vlad Shatrov, Director of Runlab and one of Australia’s best distance runners, both on road and trail, to deliver The Coastal Ascent.

Pont3 provide consultation for client based projects including the Bondi to Manly Ultra and Sydney World Pride. Our reputation is “one of the best operators in the event management space”,  we pride ourselves on building and maintaining long term partnerships with organisations, brands, stakeholders and suppliers. The team is responsible for the successful delivery of all aspects of event management from event conceptualisation to operations, marketing, sponsorship, expert ticket sales, broadcast production and distribution.

We are passionate about health and wellbeing, sustainability and the environment and inclusivity within all communities.

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Run our races

…then run some more!

The Pont3 portfolio includes the Sydney Marathon which boasts over 40,000 participants, and the Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (7,000 participants).


The approach taken with all of their events is to first think about the participants, and what will create a unique, memorable and positive experience.


It is Pont3 objective to create iconic, fun, family friendly events in destination locations that will attract large numbers of trail fans and participants for a weekend away with the entire family.

Check out some of our recent events
Learn More About Pont3 Events

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